Letter D
  • DAGOON Francois husband of Rosalie(Capland) died Dec. 14/1843 at 59 yrs. buried Jan. 1/1844

  • DAILY Maurice s/o William and Mary (Downey) tailor Cton bapt. Apr. 5/1857 at 8 months

  • DALY Ann d/o William and Mary (Downey) tailor Cton b. July 6/1862

  • DALY Ann d/o William and Mary (Downs/Downey?) tailor Cton died Mar. 9/1865 at 2 yrs

  • DALY Anna d/o William and Mary (Downy) tailor Cton bapt. Apr. 14/1860 at 1 mo.

  • DALY Elise d/o Michael and Jane (Helley/Kelley?) farmer Rest. bapt. Aug. 21/1853 (2mo)

  • DALY Eliza s/o William and Mary (Donoley or Downey) Rest. bapt. Nov. 9/1851 (5wks)

  • DALY Helen d/o William and mary (Donoley or Downey) tailor Rest. bapt. Nov. 9/1851 (9mo)

  • DALY Isabella d/o William and Mary (Downey) tailor Cton bapt. Jan. 23/1862 at 7 mo.

  • DALY Isabella d/o William and Mary (Downs/Downey) tailor Cton died Mar. 15/1865 at 4yrs

  • DALY William s/o Michael and Joannah (Kelly) Rest. bapt. Apr. 4/1852 (5mo)

  • DALY William s/o William and Mary (Downey) tailor Cton b. Apr. 3/1858

  • DARRAUGH Daniel farmer, s/o Richard and Nancy (Mc Kellem) married Aug. 20/1845 Deborah TYRING d/o Fenton and the late Mary (Connors) all of C'ton.

  • DEE William farmer of Rest. s/o the late James and Mary (Comfort) of Campbellton married July 21/1845 Brigett FINN d/o the late Thomas and Helen (Morgan) of C'ton. NB

  • DELANEY Edward marchant s/o William and Mary (Flanagan) married Ann HURLEY all of Dalh. NB d/o Michaael and Lois (Heffernan) Miramichi on Apr. 25/1862

  • DELANEY Margaret d/o William and Mary (Firth) farmer Rest. b. Jan. 21/1867

  • DELANEY Thomas s/o William and Mary (Firth) farmer Rest. b. May 13/1863

  • DELANEY William farmer s/o Thomas and Joannah (Ryan) all of Rest. married Mary FIRTH d/o /William and Bridget (Cannon) all of Cton on Apr. 21/1863

  • DELANEY William s/o William and Mary (Firth) farmer Rest. bapt. Sept. 24/1865 at 3 months

  • DEMPSEY William s/o William and Mary Ann (Hernley?) farmer Rest. bapt. July 5/1846 (3mo)

  • DOGHERTY Richard unknown at Rest. died May 4/1846 at 21 years.

  • DOHERTY Hellen wife of Daniel CROWLEY farmer Cton died Mar. 13/1857 at 43 yrs

  • DOHERTY infant child, of Philipp and Joanna (Doyle) St(ated)? born in the winter, bapt. Mar. 28/1855

  • DOHERTY Patrick, of Rest. died Apr. 24/1850 at 100 ? years. Buried Apr.26

  • DOHERTY Philippe s/o Michel and Rosa (Doherty) married Apr. 15/1850 Suzanne DOYLE d/o Thomas and Margaret Mc......... both of Rest.

  • DOHERTY Thomas s/o Philipp and Suzanne (Doyle) laborer Rest. bapt. Aug. 10/1851(15day)

  • DOIRON Eugene farmer s/o Honore and Marie (Gallant) married Neoline GALLANT d/o Dominique and Marie (Gallant) all of Matapedia on Nov. 21/1864 NOTE; a check of the records show both mothers were Marie Gallant

  • DOIRON Fabien s/o Fabien and .... (Arseneau) farmer Matapedia bapt. Aug. 12/1862 at 2 mo.

  • DOIRON Firmin Charles s/o Joseph and Edesse (Gallant) farmer Mat. b. Apr. 21/1866

  • DOIRON Honore twin s/o Eugene and Neoline (Gallant) farmer Mat. b. Jan. 1/1866

  • DOIRON Isidore twin s/o of Eugene and Neoline (Gallant) farmer Mat. b. Jan. 1/1866

  • DOIRON Joachim s/o Joseph and Edesse (Gallant) farmer Rest. b. July 2/1861

  • DOIRON Joseph Alban s/o Joseph and Edesse (Gallant) teacher Mat. b. July 13/1864

  • DOIRON Joseph Gilbert s/o Joseph and Marie (Lebrun) farmer Matapedia bapt. Feb. 6/1861 at 1 month

  • DOIRON Julie Marguerite d/o Joseph and Edesse (Gallant) farmer Rest. b. Jan 3/1863

  • DOIRON Louis s/o Damien and Mathilde (Blaquiere) farmer Mat. b. Oct. 6/1864

  • DOIRON Marguerite Gallant d/o Pacifique Doiron and Marguerite (Gallant) b. Aug. 10/1864

  • DOIRON Marie Adeline d/o Thomas and Lucille(Martin( Mat. b. Mar. 22/1867

  • DOIRON Marie Angelique d/o Damien and Mathilde (Blacquiere) farmer Mat. b. Dec. 4/1867

  • DOIRON Marie d/o Laurier and Marie (Martin) farmer Mat. b. Aug. 13/1864

  • DOIRON Modeste wife of Thomas , farmer Mat. died Sept. 5/1864 at 36 yrs

  • DOIRON Pierre Joseph s/o Eugene and Neoline (Gallant) Mat. b. Oct. 14/1867

  • DOIRON Pierre Marie s/o Laurent and Marie (Martin( farmer Mat. b. Mar.13/1867

  • DOIRON Pierre s/o Thomas and Modeste (Gallant) farmer Matapedia b. June 29/1863

  • DOIRON Pierre Simeon s/o Thomas and Lucille (Martin) farmer Mat. b. Feb. 10/1866

  • DOIRON Thomas farmer s/o Jean and the late Marguerite (Pitre) married Lucille MARTIN d/o the late Simon and Margaret (Gallant) all of Mat. Apr. 24/1865

  • DOLAN John s/o the late John and the late Mary (Doyle) Rest. died June 1/1866 at 68 yrs

  • DOMINIQUE widow of Alexis Condo died Apr. 24/1845 at 70 years. buried Apr. 26

  • DONALD John s/o Michael and Ann (Wellen/Whelan?) farmer Rest. bapt. July 30/1853 (5m)

  • DONOVAN Ann Eliza d/o John and Ann(McGrath) Cton bapt. Apr. 3/1859 at 2 mo.

  • DONOVAN David s/o John and Annabell... hotel keeper Cont b. Nov. 4/1856

  • DONOVAN Elizabeth d/o John and Ann (Mc Grath) laborer Cton bapt. Sept. 30/1860 at 1mo

  • DONOVAN Joanna d/o John and E. (McGrath) merchant of NB, born Ja. 5/1854

  • DONOVAN John s/o John and Ann (Mc Grath) laborer Cton bapt. Aug. 13/1863 at 16 days

  • DONOVAN Mary d/o John and Ann (McGrath) Campbellton bapt. May 26/1850 (1yr)

  • DOREE Angelique wife of John GLEAGHER? Cton died Feb. 21/1862 at 32 yrs

  • DOUCET Edouard s/o Edouard and Celina (Leblanc) farmer Rest. b. Aug. 20/1864

  • DOUCET Elizabeth d/o Germain and Angele (Morrisset) farmer Rest. b. May 6/1864

  • DOUCET Eloi , widower of Lucia Comeau of Petit Rocher, NB, married Marie Celina LEBLANC d/o Leon and Margaret (Quinsey) Rest. on Nov. 3/1845

  • DOUCET Francois s/o Edouard and Cecile (Leblanc) Rest. died Nov. 12/1854 at 14 months

  • DOUCET Genevieve Elizabeth d/o Edouard and Cecile (Leblanc) Rest. b. Oct. 30/1855

  • DOUCET George s/o Josue and Charlotte (Gallant) farmer married Scholastique DOIRON d/o Jean and the late Marguerite (Pitre) all of Mat. on Apr. 24/1865

  • DOUCET Germain laborer s/o Edouard and Lucille (Comeau) married Angele MORRISSET d/o Marc and Isabelle (Cote) Nov. 25/1861 all of Rest.

  • DOUCET Guillaume s/o Phlycarpe and Marie (Leblanc) farmer Rest. bapt. Nov. 6/1853 (4yr)

  • DOUCET Honore s/o Polycarpe and Marie Victoire (Leblanc) farmer Rest. bapt. Apr. 18/1845 born Apr. 17/1845

  • DOUCET Jean s/o Pierre and Celina (Leblanc) laborer Rest. bapt. Apr. 5/1863 at 16 mo

  • DOUCET Joseph Benoit s/o Polycarpe and Marie (Leblanc) farmer Rest. bapt. Nov.6/1853 (2yrs)

  • DOUCET Joseph s/o Pierre and Scholastique (Doiron) farmer Mat. b. Sept. 15/1866

  • DOUCET Joseph s/o Sebastien and Rose (Laviolette) farmer Rest. bapt. Mar. 16/1845 2 mo.

  • DOUCET Laurent Isaire s/o Eloi and Celina (Leblanc) farmer Rest. bapt. Aug. 25/1852(10mo)

  • DOUCET Laurent s/o Joseph and Appoline (Doucet) farmer Eel River, NB bapt. Apr. 5/1845

  • DOUCET Laurent s/o Pierre and Clothilde (Doiron) Matap. b. Nov. 6/1867

  • DOUCET Marie Anne d/o Germain and Angele (Morrisset) farmer Rest. b. Sept. 26/1862<>
  • DOUCET Marie d/o Germain and Angele (Morrisset) farmer Rest. b. May 20/1866

  • DOUCET Pierre farmer Mat. s/o Moise and Marie (Martin) Rustico, P.E.I. married Clothilde DOIRON Mar. d/o Fabien and Rufine (Arseneau) May 21/1863

  • DOUCET Pierre Jean s/o GEorge and Scholastique (Doiron) farmer Mat. b. Feb. 25/1866

  • DOUCET Pierre Moise s/o Pierre and Clothilde (Doiron) farmer Mar. b. Oct. 17/1864

  • DOUCET Pierre Thomas s/o Polycarpe and Marie (Leblanc) laborer Dalhousie bapt. Apr.15/1861 at 2 months

  • DOUCET Thomas s/o George and Scholastique ... Matapedia b. May 7/1867

  • DOUCET Thomas s/o Josue and Char (?) (Gallant) farmer Matapedia b. Sept. 15/1865

  • DOYLE Ann twin d/o James and Sislly (Walker) Rest. bapt. Nov. 9/1851 (3wks)

  • DOYLE Brigett d/o John and Elizabeth (Boyle) farmer Rest. born Sept. 28/1848 bapt. Oct. 1

  • DOYLE Brigett twin d/o James and Sislly (Walker) Rest. bapt. Nov. 9/1851 (3wks)

  • DOYLE Catherine d/o James and Sislley (Walker) farmer Rest. born July 6/1849 bapt.July 8

  • DOYLE Cecilia wife of James Rest. died July 28/1858 at 36 yrs (Childbirth complications ?)

  • DOYLE Eliza d/o John and Elizabeth (Boyle) Rest. born Feb. 22/1851

  • DOYLE James farmer widower of Cecile (Walker) married Mary WELLAND d/o Daniel and Mary (Noland) Nov. 28/1861

  • DOYLE James s/o James and Cecilia Doyle Rest. b. July 26/1858

  • DOYLE Joanna d/o John and Elizabeth (Boyle) farmer Rest. b. July 3/1859

  • DOYLE Joannah d/o John and Bridget (Boyle) farmer Rest. b. Dec. 5/1860

  • DOYLE John James s/o John and Bridget (Boyle) farmer Rest. b. Feb. 2/1866

  • DOYLE John s/o James and Cecilia (Walker) farmer Rest. b. Jan. 18/1857

  • DOYLE Joseph Cyprien Stephen s/o John and Bridget (Boyle) farmer Rest. b. Nov. 18/1863

  • DOYLE Margaret d/o James and Margaret (Welland) farmer Rest. b. Feb. 8/1862

  • DOYLE Margaret d/o John and Elizabeth (Boyle) farmer Rest. b. May 22/1857

  • DOYLE Martin s/o James and Margaret (Wellnad) farmer Rest. b. Nov. 13/1863

  • DOYLE Mary Ann d/o John and Elizabeth (Boyle) farmer Rest. born Dec. 20/1846 bapt.Dec.21

  • DOYLE Mary d/o James and Cisley (Walker) farmer Rest. born. Apr. 14/1846, bapt.Apr. 16

  • DOYLE Mary s/o(?) John and Elizabeth (Boyle) farmer Rest. bapt. June 19/1853 (2days)

  • DOYLE Nicolas s/o John and Helene (Shay) farmer Rest. married Julie FITZGERALD d/o the late James adn Julie (Shannon) on Oct. 24/1844

  • DOYLE Pat s/o John and Elizabeth (Doyle) farmer Rest. b. May 29/1855 bapt. July22

  • DOYLE Thomas s/o James and Cecily (Walker/Walker?) farmer Rest. bapt. Nov. 5/1853(3w)

  • DRAPEAU Jean Baptiste s/o Joseph and Marguerite (Porlier) farmer Rest. b.Nov. 10/1850

    DRAPEAU Joseph s/o Joseph and Marguerite (Porlier) farmer C'ton NB. bapt. Feb.8/1846

  • DRAPEAU Joseph s/o the late Laurent and Francoise (Lemieux) farmer C'ton married Marguerite PORLIER d/o Louis and the late Marie (Bujold) farmer Eel River on May 28/1845

  • DRAPEAU Marie Philomene d/o Joseph and Marguerite (Porlier) farmer Rest. born Jan. 13/1848 bapt. Jan. 14

  • DRESKELL (DRISCOLL?) wife of Dennis CUNNINGHAM Cton died May 7/1861 at 70 yr s

  • DROCHAN//DRAWFEN? wife of Edward MORRISSEY Cton died Nov. 25/1859 at 65 yrs

  • DROHAN James s/o Patridk and Mary (Connors) farmer Rest. born Sept. 15/1846

  • DUMAS Marie Aimee d/o Simon and Adelaide (Ouellet) Mat. b. Sept. 6/1867

  • DUNBAR John s/o Michael and hannah (Naser?) farmer Rest. bapt. Oct. 1/1848 (5 mo)

  • DUNBAR Michael s/o Michael and Hannah (Naban) farmer Rest. bapt. Sept. 28/1845 (2yrs)

  • DUNBAR Patrick s/o Michael and Hannorah(naven?) Rest. farmer bapt. June 28/1846 (3mo)

  • DUNN Catherine d/o Michael and Ann (Welland) Cton bapt. Mar.31/1858 at 8 mo.

  • DUNN Charles died Apr. 18/1860 at 60 yrs Buried Rest.

  • DUNN Jacques s/o Michael and Anna (Welland) farmer Cton bapt.Oct. 26/1859 at 15 days

  • DUNN Jane Liza d/o Michael and Ann (Welland) farmer Cton bapt. Oct. 20/1862 at 3mo

  • DUNN Mary Ann d/o Michael and Ann (Welland?) farmer Cton bapt. July 7/1856 at 22 mo.

  • DUNN Michael s/o the late Michael and Catherine (Archibald) Rest. married Jan. 31/1852 Ann WHELAN d/o James and Ann (Ballard)

  • DWYER Margaret Ann d/o Michael and Ann (Lawlor) Mat. b. Apr. 8/1867

  • DWYER Michael farmer s/o Thomas and Bridget (Harlen?) married Ann LAWLOR d/o Thomas and Judith (Shannon) all of Matapedia July 2/1866

  • DWYER Thomas widower of Bridget (Harlen) Mat. died Dec. 21/1867 at 62 yrs

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