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Some Godins/Gaudin/Goodine/Goodwin/Bellefeuille/Bellefontaine/Beausejour and Boisjoli
found in some census around NB and some land grants on the Saint John river NB
Edith Godin born July 28/1883
daughter of Joseph Godin and Brigitte Lapointe of Lorne NB
married Maurice Doyle Sr. June 25/1908 in Campbellton NB
Joseph Godin son of Damase Godin and Marie Sarah Boudreau, married
Marie Brigitte Lapointe daughter of
Jean Louis (John) Lapointe
and Brigitte Allain on Apr.18/1882
Damase Godin son of Remi Godin and Theotiste
Lejeune, married Sarah Boudreau daughter of Joseph Boudreau and Magdeleine
Landry, on Oct. 17/1837, in Petit Rocher, NB
Remi Godin son of Francois Godin and Anastasie
Daigle, married Theotiste Lejeune on April 1807, in Bathurst NB
she was the daughter of Joseph Briard dit Lejeune and Marie Mézière
Francois Godin farmer, son of Jean Baptiste Godin
and Angelique Bergeron, married Anastasie Daigle in 1784 , at Riviere St
Jean, NB
Jean Baptiste Godin farmer and fisherman, son of
Jean Rene Godin and Francoise Bergeron, born around 1736, married in 1762,
Angelique Bergeron, daughter of Michel and Marie Dugas. He died in Bertrand,
NB, on Nov. 9/1809, buried at Ste Anne du Bocage Nov. 11/1809
Jean Rene Godin farmer, son of Gabriel Godin and
Andree Angelique Jeanne, born in Ste Anne, around 1710, married first,
in 1734, Francoise Bergeron dit Damboise d/o Barthelemy and Genevieve Serreau
of Port Royal
and in second marriage to Francoise Dugas, in 1740
Gabriel Godin son of Pierre Godin and Jeanne
Rousseliere, born in Montreal in 1661, married at Quebec, PQ, in 1690,
Andree Angelique Joannes (Robert-Jasne), daughter of Robert and Francoise
Madeleine Savard.
He then moved and set up residence in Ste Anne (now Fredericton) on the
Riviere Saint Jean,
Pierre Gaudin dit Chatillon Carpenter, born at Chatillon
sur Seines, on May 17/1630, son of Claude Godin and Marie Bardin, of Savolles,
diocese de Langres, Bourgogne, baptised on June 27/1630 married Jeanne Roussliere
(Originally from La Rochelle, France)d/o Louis and Isabelle Paris de Xaintes in
Montreal PQ, on Oct. 13/1654. Pierre died around 1685 in Port Royal..
Claude Godin, Carpenter, son of Vorle Godin
and Brigitte Gouzier, married Marie Bardin, originaly from Savolles en
Champagne, France
Vorle Godin, Teinturier, born in Chantillon-sur-Seines
St-Vorle en Bourgogne, son of Maurice Godin and Huguette Pampelune, married
Brigitte Gouzier of Bar-sur-Seines en Champagne, France.
Maurice Godin, Horseman, born at Givet, in the
province of Namur aux Pays Bas, married Huguette Pampelune of Sedan en
Champagne, France.