These old late 1800's early 1900's post cards and photos
were sent to me by CATHY GARVIN
They were the possession of her husband's great grand mother
and with Kathy's permission I would like to share them
with all who wish to view them.
To her and her husband they have sentimental value
but to us of the Restigouche and Campbellton area
they also carry Historical value
If anyone has any comments about these
or if you should have some old pictures of this area
Please you can email me at
Irene Doyle
This gorgeous picture of Campbellton after the famous fire
with buildings still smoking
Matapedia village date unknown but postmark says 1907
A scene on the Restigouche River which probably hasnt changed much
Seems to be taken around Matapedia also, taken from the NB side
looking up river and across at the Moores Settlement area on the Quebec
Another souvenirs of the rebuilding of the city following that fire
Note that fence and those trees which dont seem to have retained any
damages yet the rest of the city was completely demolished
Picture of Campbellton rebuilding right after the fire of 1910
Note all the little tents here and there
Post card of Campbellton before the famous fire of 1910
Post mark of this on is Halifax 1905. It looks down present
Prince William Street with Patterson street on the right
apparently Prince William St. was called Chapel Hill then
Restigouche Salmon Club in Matapedia, all these buildings
were demolished by fire except one; the large one on the extreme right
Post card of the Road to Matapedia (Metopedia on the card)
Looks like it may have been taken from the top of McKenzie Hill
which is now just at the border Campbellton/Atholville
This page was designed by Irene Doyle 1998