Indians of Ristigouche
Some of these names may not be written exactly as they are today, like all other church registers, the names were written in the way they were pronounced in those days, the way the parents told them to the priest, the way the priest heard them or just the way they thought they should be written. A lot of gone-by days were written by sound.
Agoon Francois died Nov. 24/1848, buried Apr. 15/1849
Barnabe Bernard s/o John Barnabe and Rosalie Wyouche, born May 16/1853
Barnabe Emilie d/o Jean Barnabe and Rosalie, bapt. Apr. 2/1843 at 2 months
Barnabe Emilie d/o John Barnabe and Rosalie Wyouche, died July 20/1849 at age 6 yrs
Barnabe Louis s/o John Barnabe and Rosalie Wyouche, died Oct. 31/1851, buried Nov.2
Barnabe Thomas, Chief of the MicMac Tribe of Ristigouche, and husband of Magdeleine Capland died July 12/1851 at aage 75 years
Barnaby Monique d/o Jean Barnabe and Rosalie Wyouche, Ristigouche bapt. Feb.16/1845 at 8 days
Basquitt Francois s/o Pierre and Modeste Capland, married Marie Agathe Dedam on Sept. 19/1848
Basquitt Marie Theotiste d/o Francois Basquitt and Louise Dedam, born Oct. 12/1849
Benville Marie d/o Alexander Benville and Marguerite Capland, died Jan. 1853 at 5 yrs
Bernard Francois husband of Marie Israel died Aug. 26/1848 at age 49
Bernard Monique wife of Thomas Narvy , died Dec. 1852 buried July 28/1853
Bernard Pelagie d/o Joseph Bernard and Susanne Joachim, bapt. Oct. 2/1853 at 2 days
Bonaventure Theotiste wife of Noel Joachim, (may not be indians) died Aug. 23/1845 at age 30
Bonville Pierre Bernard s/o Alexander Bonville and Marguerite Capland, bapt. Jan. 2/1853 at 9 weeks
Capland Ambroise died Sept. 21/1843 at age 67 yrs
Capland Angelique d/o the late Jean Baptiste and Angelique Philippe, died June 26/1851 at 15 yrs
Capland Angelique d/o Thomas Capland and Francine Samson, died Dec. 1842, at age 15 months
Capland Barthelemy s/o Thomas Capland and Francoise Samson, died June 20/1858 at 8 yrs
Capland Barthelomi s/o Thomas Capland and Francoise Samson, bapt. May 28/1849 at 5 months
Capland Bernard s/o Pierre Capland and Rosalie Martin, died Nov. 1/1845 at 2 ½ years
Capland Claire d/o Pierre Capland and Rosalie Martin, born May 14/1847
Capland Claire d/o Pierre Capland and Rosalie Martin, died July 1/1858 at 13 yrs
Capland Etienne Ignace, widower of Marie Rose Wyouche (Ouiouche), Ristigouche, died July 2/1843 at age 40
Capland Etienne s/o Noel and Eliza Lebarre bapt. Dec. 31/1843
Capland Etienne s/o Noel Capland and Lizette Labanne, died Sept. 30/1845 at 1 ½ years
Capland Francois s/o Francois Pierre Capland and Theotiste Labauve, buried April 15/1849 at 2 yrs
Capland Gabriel s/o Jean Pierre Capland and the late Marie Michel married Marie Capland d/o the late Jacques Capland and the late Marie Therese Condo all of Ristigouche on June 28/1852
Capland Genevieve d/o Louis and Marie Condo, died May 16/1850 at 3 yrs
Capland Jean Baptiste husband of Angelique Prisque (Brisk), died May 7/1846 at age 65 yrs
Capland Jean Baptiste s/o Francois Capland and Marguerite Molly, born Aug. 6/1851
Capland Jean Baptiste s/o Jean Baptiste Capland and Marie Quatpatte, bapt. Mar. 6/1850 at 10 weeks
Capland Jean Baptiste s/o Pierre and Rose Martin , born and bapt. Oct. 1/1844
Capland Jean Martin s/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Labauve, died Jan. 25/1847 at age 17 yrs, buried on Jan. 27
Capland Jean Mathieu s/o Thomas Capland and Francoise Samson, born Feb.11/1846
Capland Jean Pierre widower of Marie Michel, married Marie Rose Lavigne widow of Pierre Martin on Nov. 9/1842
Capland Jean s/o Jean Pierre and ? Capland, died Dec. 1841 at age 3 years
Capland Joseph s/o the late Noel Capland and Marguerite Capland, married Marie Marchand, d/o Louis Marchand and Marie Anne Condo on July 27/1847
Capland Louis Joseph s/o Joseph Capland and Marie Marchand, born Oct. 16/1849
Capland Louis s/o Etienne Capland and Emilie Richard married Sarah Christie d/o Samuel Christie and Mathilde Roy Oct. 21/1861
Capland Louis s/o Louis Capland and Anne, born Feb. 12/1846
Capland Magdeleine wife of Etienne Lamquinn died Aug. 17/1850 at 45 yrs
Capland Marguerite d/o Noel Capland and Anastasie Labauve, bapt. June 28/1852 at 18 days
Capland Marie Anne d/o Francois and Marie Cournabille died May 4/1858 at 19 months
Capland Marie Anne d/o Francois Capland and Nancy Capland born Mar. 3/1853
Capland Marie Anne d/o Pierre Capland and Rosalie Martin, bapt. May 15/1853 at 6 weeks
Capland Marie Christine d/o Pierre Capland and Christine Morrison, baptized Nov.2/1842, age 2 months
Capland Marie d/o Germain Capland and Nathalie Dedam, Ristigouche, baptized July 17/1842 age 12 days
Capland Marie d/o Joseph Capland and Marie Marchand, bapt. Nov. 23/1851 at 2 weeks
Capland Marie d/o Noel Capland and Lizette Labauve, bapt. Sept. 7/1848 at 12 days
Capland Marie Emilie d/o Etienne Capland and Emilie Richard, bapt. June 24/1849 at 8 months
Capland Marie Monique d/o Francois Capland and Monique Cournabille, bapt. May 19/1851 at 6 weeks
Capland Marie Pelagio d/o Etienne Capland and Emilie Condo, bapt. Oct. 30/1845 at 3 ½ months
Capland Marie Susanne d/o Jean Baptiste Capland and Pelagie Michel, died Apr. 1853 buried July 25
Capland Marie Theotiste d/o Francois Capland and Nancy Dophee, bapt. Nov. 24/1845 at 5 days
Capland Marie Therese d/o Francois Capldn and Monique Cournabille died Aug. 13/1853 at 4 months
Capland Nanette wife of Mathieu Capland died Apr. 14/1850 at 50 yrs
Capland Noel s/o Francois Capland and Nancy Dophee, bapt. June 24/1849 at 14 months
Capland Pierre Bernard s/o Francois Pierre and Theotiste Labauve, bapt. July 8/1846 age 3 days
Capland Pierre Jacques s/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Labauve, married Marie Magdeleine on July 31/1849
Capland Pierre s/o Noel Capland and Anastasie Lebarre, born and baptized Sept. 1/1844
Capland Pierre s/o Noel Capland and Elizabeth Labauve, bapt. May 21/1846 at 21 days
Capland Rosalie d/o Jean Baptiste Capland and Marie Labauve bapt. July 10/1853 at 1 yr
Capland Rosalie wife of Bernard Paul died autumn of 1852, accidentally at age 23, buried May 14/1853
Capland Simon husband of Catherine Lamquinn, died May 1/1846 at age 65
Capland Susanne d/o Francois Capland and Marguerite Molly, bapt. May 15/1853 at 8 days
Capland Susanne d/o Francois Capland and Susanne Moore bapt. May 27/1854 at 12 days
Capland Xavier s/o Jean and Marie Therese Condo married Susanne Moore d/o Francois Moore and Anastasie Capland on Aug. 3/1853
Chabaquat Antoine Michel s/o the late Denis Chabaquat and Marie Anne Marchand, died June 18/1848 at age 18
Chabaquat Joseph Noel s/o Joseph Chabaquat and Marie Angelique Capland married Brigitte Cournabille d/o Andre Cournabille and Monique Presque (Brisk?) both of Ristigouche on June 30/1852
Chabaquat Joseph Noel, s/o Joseph Thomas Chabaquat and Francoise Dominique, died Aug. 17/1850 at 9 yrs
Chabaquat Marie Angelique wife of Michel Hally ? died July 13/1853 at 45 yrs
Chabaquat Nicolas Paul s/o Athanse Chabaquat and Marie Louise Thomas, bapt. Jan. 29/1854 at 1 month
Chabaquat Pierre s/o Etienne Chabaquat and Sophie, born Jan. 28/1848
Chabaquatte Thomas s/o Thomas Chabaquatte and Marie Louise born Feb. 26/1858
Chabaquette Jean Baptiste Chief of the MicMacs of Ristigouche, and husband of Margaret Capland, died June 22/1858 at 60 years
Chapagouet Noel s/o Joseph Thomas Chapagouet and Francoise Condo, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 at age 1 month
Child of Etienne Quatpatte and Charlotte Bonaventure stillborn died Jan. 22/1858
Christome Marguerite d/o Joseph Christome and Marie Anne Capland, bapt. Jan. 29/1854 at 6 weeks
Christome Marie Anne d/o Joseph Christome and Claire Leblanc, buried July 12/1847 at age 3 ½ years
Chrysostome Joseph widower of Claire Labauve, married Marie Anna Lamquinn d/o Etienne Lamquinn and Magdeleine Capland, on June 27/1848
Chrysostome Magdeleine d/o Joseph Chrysostome and Marie Anne Lamquinn, bapt. Nov. 2/1851 at 7 days
Chrysostome Mary Ann d/o Joseph Chrysostome and Claire Labarre, bapt. July 7/1843 at 8 days
Chrystome Joseph s/o Joseph Chrystome and Mary Anne Lamquinn, bapt. Jan. 30/1850 at 8 weeks
Clermont Monique d/o Paul Clermont and Louise Condo, died May 12/1847 at age 6 years
Clermont Thomas s/o Paul Clermont and Louise Condo, born July 1/1843
Condo Marie Angelique d/o Thomas Condo and Anastasie Gagnon, born Jan. 13/1848
Condo Marie d/o Bernard Condo and Elizabeth Metallic, bapt. Dec. 14/1845 at 6 days
Condo Marie d/o thomas Condo and Anastasie Gagnon, bapt. Nov. 1/1845 at 3 weeks
Condo Marie d/o Thomas Condo and Anastasie Gagnon, died Sept. 3/1846 at 18 months
Condo Marie Pelagie d/o Bernard Condo and Elizabeth Metalic, Cascapedia, bapt Aug. 27/1847 at age 3 months
Condo Noel s/o Bernard Condo and Eliza Metallic, Cascapedia, bapt. July 27/1850 at 1 month
Condo Pierre Gregoire s/o Thomas Condo and Anastasie Gagnon, died Sept. 8/1846 at age 3 years
Condo Pierre s/o Thomas Condo and Anastasie Gagnon born July 1/1843
Cornabile Marie Agathe d/o Alexander Cornabile and Marguerite, bapt. Jan. 21/1849 at 2 weeks
Cournabile Marguerite d/o Pierre Noel Cournabile and Christine Condo, died June 28/1849 at 6 yrs
Dagoon Francois husband of Rosalie Capland died Dec. 14/1843 at age 59, buried Jan. 1/1844
Dedam Anastasie d/o Germain Dedam and Marie Anne Marchand, bapt. June 15/1851 at 4 months
Dedam Angelique d/o Jean Baptiste Dedam and Marie Agnes Marchand, bapt. Apr. 22/1844, at 3 weeks
Dedam Anne Marie d/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Larocque, Cascapedia, died May 18/1850 at 4 yrs
Dedam Antoine s/o Francois Dedam and Henriette Capland, bapt. Feb. 17/1850 at 7 weeks
Dedam Brigitte d/o Germain Dedam and Marie Anne Marchand, bapt. June 7/1844 at 3 months
Dedam Cecile Louisotte died July 26/1849 at age 60
Dedam Eliza Joseph d/o Jean Baptiste Dedam and Marie Agnes Marchand, born Mar. 29/1850
Dedam Etienne s/o John Baptiste Dedam and Agnes Marie Marchand, born Aug. 21/1846
Dedam Francois s/o Pierre Thomas Dedam and Lucie Capland, born Dec. 25/1857
Dedam Isabella d/o Pierre Dedam and Monique, Cascapedia, died May 11/1850 at 4 months
Dedam Jean s/o Jean Baptiste Dedam and Marie Marchant, Ristigouche, baptised Mar. 6/1842 age 2 months
Dedam Joseph Noel s/o Pierre and Marie Capland, bapt. May 12/1845 at 3 ½ months
Dedam Lucille d/o Francois Dedam and Henriette Capland, bapt. Nov. 23/1851 at 2 weeks
Dedam Marie Anne d/o Jean baptiste Dedam and Marie Insantchick ?, bapt. May 3/1846 at 15 days
Dedam Marie d/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Marchand died Dec. 31/18?? Buried Jan. 2/1858
Dedam Marie Genevieve d/o Francois Dedam and Henriette Jean Nicolas, bapt. Apr. 5/1845 at 7 days
Dedam Marie Jeanne wife of Antoine Dedam died Jan. 24/1849 at age 80 years. Buried April 15/1849
Dedam Marie Theotiste d/o Noel Dedam and Marie Angelique Vicaire, born July 13/1847
Dedam Noel s/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Larocque married Anne Capland d/o d/o Jean Baptiste Capland and Marie Quatpatte on July 28/1853
Dedam Pelagie d/o Pierre Dedam and Madeline Alice bapt. Sept. 11/1853 at 2 months
Dedam Pierre Thomas s/o Noel Dedam and Pauline Capland married Lucie Capland d/o Louis Capland and Margaret Martin on July 28/1853
Denis Marie Michel d/o Jean Louis Denis and Margaret Louizotte bapt. Feb. 29/1858 at 2 days
Dominique Marie widow of Alexis Condo died April 24/1845 at age 70 yrs
Dophee Claire d/o Joseph Dophee and Susanne Vicaire, bapt. May 30/1847 at 1 week
Dophee Claire d/o Joseph Dophee and Susanne Vicaire, died May 16/1852 at 5 yrs
Dophee Joseph Benjamin s/o Joseph Dophee and Suzanne Vicaire, bapt. Feb 9/1853 at 3 weeks
Dophee Marie Suzanne d/o Joseph Dophee and Suzanne Vicaire, born July 16/1850
Dophee Marie Theotiste d/o joseph and Susanne Vicaire, died May 28/1846 at age 1 ½
Dophee Marie Theotiste d/o Joseph Dophee and Suzanne Vicaire, bapt. May 22/1845 at 10 days
Dophee Rosalie d/o Joseph Dophee and Suzanne Vicaire, died Feb. 23/1845 at 2 yrs buried Feb. 25
Fortier David widower of Petronille Lahay married Monique Marchand widow of Jean Francois Martin on Aug. 17/1859
Fortier Jacques s/o David Fortier and Monique Marchand bapt. May 23/1863 at 4 weeks
Fortier Magdeleine d/o David Fortier and Monique Marchand bapt. Oct. 14/1860 at 2 months
Fortier Patrice s/o David Fortier and Monique Marchand born Mar. 14/1866
Gabouine Marie Anne d/o Jean Baptiste Gabouine and Marie Pelagie Michel, died June 18/1858 at 5 years
Gabouine Marie d/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Pelagie Michel, died June 21/1858 at 2 yrs
Gabouine s/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Pelagie Michel, died Apr. 19/1858 at 17 yrs
Gagnon Rosalie widow of Matthew Chabaquette of Riviere a l'anguille, NB. Died Nov. 20/1960, buried at Ristigouche
Germain Edward s/o Thomas Germain and Marie Morrison born Sept. 1/1863
Germain Louis Noel s/o Louis and Marie Geneveive Larocque, died Apr. 3/1858
Gray Bernard s/o James Gray and Marie Capland, bapt. May 7/1848 at 3 weeks
Gray Maxime s/o James Gray and Marie Capland, bapt. Aug. 17/1851 at 4 days
Gray Monique d/o James Gray and Marie Capland, born Nov. 14/1846
Gray Thomas s/o James Gray and Marie Capland, bapt. Jan. 30/1850 at 8 weeks
Guemiche (Ouiouche ?) Margaret Genevieve d/o Francois Capland and Margaret Molly, born Mar. 5/1850
Harvey Pierre s/o Joseph Harvey and Marie Poumainville died Sept. 16/1859 at 5 yrs
Isaac Francois s/o Francois Isaac and Marguerite, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 age 6 months
Isaac Isaac married Lizette Gideon d/o Andre Gideon and Magdeleine Michel both of Restigouche on Aug. 12/1852
Isaac Isaac s/o Francois Isaac and Margaret Morrison, born May 20/1846
Isaac Marie Anne d/o Francois Isaac and Margaret Morrison, bapt. Apr. 22/1844 at 2 months
Isaac Thomas s/o Francois Isaac and Margaret Morisson, bapt. June 12/1853 at 8 days
Isidore Marie wife of Etienne Michel died Aug. 12/1852 at age 65
Israel Brigitte d/o ? Israel and Theotiste Capland, born and bapt. Sept. 29/1844
Israel Marie Anne d/o Israel Israel and Theotiste Capland, bapt . Sept. 20/1847 at 3 weeks
Jean Martin s/o Joseph and Marie ?, Ristigouche, married Monique Marchand d/o Francois Marchand and Ann Paul on July 16/1842
Jerome Jean Louis s/o the late Denys Jerome and Marie Marchand married Marguerite Louisotte d/o Jean Noel Louisotte and Marie Elizabeth Capland on Nov. 5/1853
Jerome Jean s/o Jean Baptiste Jerome and Marie Dedam, died May 17/1850 at 2 ½ yrs
Jerome Joachim s/o Pierre Jerome and Marie Anne Lablanc, Ristigouche, bapt. Jan.1/1845 at 1 yr
Jerome Marie Anne d/o Etienne Denis Chabaquat and Sophie, Ristigouche, bapt. Feb. 20/1845 at 3 weeks
Jerome Marie d/o Etienne and Sophie, bapit. July 1/1842 age 2 weeks
Jerome Noel s/o Jean Baptiste Jerome and Francoise Condo, Cas., bapt Nov. 8/1845 at 1 ½ months
Jerome Rosalie widow of Francois Labauve died Aug. 13/1850 at age 45
Joachim Joachim s/o Noel Joachim and Isabelle Larocque, bapt. Nov. 4/1853 at 3 weeks
Joachim Joseph Noel s/o Noel Joachim and Eliza Larocque, bapt. Jan. 3/1850 at 3 weeks
Joachim Magdelaine d/o Joseph Joachim and Francoise Barnabe, bapt. Feb. 1/1846
Joachim Monique d/o Joseph Joachim and Francoise Barnabe bapt. June 3/1848 at 14 days
Joachim Pierre s/o Joseph Joachim and Francoise Barnabe bapt. Dec. 3/1843 at 4 days
Joachim Stanislas s/o Noel Joachim and Elizabeth Larocque, bapt. June 1/1851 at 14 days
Julien Anastasie d/o Andre Julien and Genevieve Capland, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 age 4 months
Julien Bernard s/o Andre Julien and Genevieve Capland, bapt. Nov. 1/1845 at 2 weeks
Julien Magdeleine d/o Joseph Andre Julien and Genevieve Wyouche, bapt. Aug. 26/1848 at 3 weeks
Julien Marie d/o Andre Julien and Marie Genevieve Capland bapt. Apr. 2/1854 at 7 weeks
Julien Pierre Michel s/o Andre Julien and Genevieve Capland, bapt. Jan. 5/1852 at 5 weeks
Labanne Claire wife of Joseph Chrystome, died Feb. 23/1845 at 27 yrs
Labanne Francois, husband of Rosalie Jerome, died April 24/1845 at age 36
Labanne Marie Suzanne d/o Etienne and Marie Angelique Hamel, bapt. Aug. 22/1845
Labanne Noel s/o Francois Labanne and Nathalie Jerome, bapt. Oct. 20/1843 at 7 days
Labanne Thomas s/o Thomas and Marguerite Capland, died Sept. 16/1845 at 13 years
Labarre Joseph s/o Pierre Labarre and Charlotte, bapr. Nov. 24/1845
Labarre Noel s/o Noel Labarre and Marie Pelagie Michel, bapt. Dec. 14/1845 at 3 days
Labauve Bernard s/o Pierre Labauve and Charlotte Agoon bapt. Apr. 2/1854 at 7 weeks
Labauve Claire d/o Etienne Labauve and Angelique Michel, bapt. July 21/1847 at 20 days
Labauve Jean Martin s/o Pierre Labauve and Charlotte Agoon, bapt. July 16/1848 at 16 days
Labauve Magdeleine d/o Thomas Labauve and Marguerite Wyouche, bapt. May 30/1858 at 9 weeks
Labauve Marguerite d/o Noel Labauve and Marie Pelagie Michel, born May 5/1848
Labauve Marguerite d/o Thomas Labauve and Marguerite Wyouche, born Oct. 16/1851
Labauve Marie Angelique d/o Pierre Labauve and Charlotte Agoon, born April 14/1850
Labauve Marie d/o Pierre Labauve and Charlotte of Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 at age 2 months
Labauve Marie d/o Thomas Labauve and Marguerite Wyouche, bapt. Jan. 29/1854 at 5 weeks
Labauve Monique d/o Noel Labauve and Pelagie Dedam, died Jan. 30/1853 at 12 yrs
Labauve Monique d/o the late Francois Labauve and Rosalie Jerome, died Aug. 11/1849 at 8 yrs
Labauve Theotiste of Ristigouche, d/o Benjamin Lavauve and Magdelaine Dedam married June 6/1842, Ambrose Ouimette s/o ? and Mary Anne Chamberlain of St Michel, Quebec dist.
Labauve Thomas s/o Noel Labauve and Marie Pelagie Michel, bapt. Mar. 9/1851 at 7 weeks
Labauve Thomas s/o Thomas and Marie Brisque (Brisk) married Marie Marguerite Wyouche, d/o thomas Wyouche and Scholastique Wyouche on July 30/1850
Lambouine Marie Cecile d/o Etienne Lambouine and Magdaleine Capland, Ristigouche, bapt. July 1/1842 age 2 ½ months
Lamquinn Catherine d/o Etienne Lamquinn and Magdeleine Capland, born Dec. 2/1846
Lamquinn Etienne widower of Magdeleine Capland, married Marie Capland widow of Francois Bernard, on Aug.25/1851
Lamquinn Louis s/o Etienne Lamquinn and Magdeleine Capland, bapt. June 24/1949 at 3 weeks
Lamquinn Louis s/o Etienne Lamquinn and Magdeleine Capland, died Sept. 16/1845 at 13 months,P. Lamquinn Louis s/o Etienne Lamquinn and Magdeleine Thomas, born Sept. 1844
Lamquinn Noel s/o Etienne Lamquinn and the late Magdeleine Capland died Aug. 17/1850 at 9 yrs (died same day as mother )
Laroche Thomas s/o Benoni Laroche and Marguerite Lambouine, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842, at 6 weeks
Larocque Elizabeth d/o Joseph Larocque and Genevieve Gagnon died Oct. 26/1853 at 1 yr
Larocque Elizabeth d/o Paul Larocque, died Dec. 31/1851 at 20, buried Jan. 2
Larocque Etienne Paul s/o thomas Paul and Rosalie Capland, died Mar. 20/1846 at 1 year, buried Mar. 22
Larocque Joseph Paul s/o Michel Paul Larocque and Agathe Morrison, bapr. Mar. 15/1847 at 7 weeks
Larocque Marguerite d/o Michel Paul Larocque and Agathe Morrison, bapt. June 8/1844, at 2 weeks
Larocque Marie Anne d/o Thomas and rosalie Capland, Ristigouche Bapt. July 15/1842 age 2 weeks
Larocque Marie Pelagie d/o Noel Paul Larocque and Zotique Arguimond, born Jan. 12/1858
Larocque Marie Susanne d/o Noel Paul Larocque and Marie Dadam, bapt. Feb. 9/1853 at 3 weeks
Larocque Marie Susanne d/o Noel Paul Larocque and Nancy Molly, died May 29/1852 at 2 yrs
Larocque Marie Suzanne d/o Noel Paul Larocque and Nancy Molly, bapt. Sept. 8/1850 at 8 days
Larocque Noel Paul s/o Noel Paul Larocque and Nancy Molly, bapt. July 1/1848 at 8 days
Larocque Noel s/o Joseph Larocqeu and Genevieve Gagnon, died Oct. 31/1853 at age 4
Larocque Noel s/o Noel Larocque and Nancy Molly, bapt. Mar. 19/1849 at 2 weeks
Larocque Paul s/o Thomas and Francoise Germain, died Mar. 29/1845 at 1 ½ year
Larocque Paul s/o Thomas Larocque and Francoise Germaine, bapt. June 4/1843, at 2 weeks
Larocque Pierre Paul s/o Benoni Paul Larocque and Margaret, born Nov. 2/1845
Larocque Pierre Paul s/o Noel Larocque and Nancy Molly died Apr. 26/1845 at 9 months
Larocque Pierre Paul s/o Noel Paul Larocque and Agathe, bapt. June 1/1844 at 3 weeks
Larocque Thomas s/o Joseph Noel Larocque and Genevieve Gagnon, baptized June 4/1843 at 2 weeks
Larocque Thomas s/o Paul Larocque and Marie Labauve, Ristigouche married Francoise Germaine d/o Thomas Germaine and Agnes Louisotte on July 15/1842
Larocque Venerande s/o Michel Larocque and Agathe ?, Ristigouche, bapized June 5/1842 age 3 weeks
Larocque Venerante d/o Michel Paul Larocque and Agathe Morisson, bapt. Mar. 17/1850 at 4 weeks
Larocque Verande d/o Michel Larocque and Agathe Morrison, died Dec. 25/1842 at age 6 months, buried June 16/1843
Lavauve Etienne s/o the late Joseph Labauve and Josephte Capland married Marie Angelique Duhamel d/o Olivier Duhamel and Louise Condo both of Ristigouche on July 16/1842
Louisette PierreThomas s/o Noel Louisette and Marie Anne Condo bapt. June 19/1853 at 2 days
Louisotte Etienne s/o the late Noel Louisotte and Charlotte Capland, Ristigouche, married July 20/1842, Marie Francoise Thomas widow of Louis Thomas
Louisotte Francoise Monique d/o Noel Louisotte and Marie Anne Condo, bapt. June 4/1843, at 3 weeks
Louisotte Jean Thomas s/o Noel Louisotte and Marie Anne Condo, born July 15/1849
Louisotte Marie d/o Noel Louisotte and Marie Anne Condo, born Oct. 4/1845 Louisotte Marie Theotiste d/o Noel Louisotte and Marie Anne Condo, bapt. May 16/1847 at age 2 months
Marchand Jean Laurent s/o Louis Marchand and Marie Anne Condo, born July 15/1848
Marchand Angelique d/o Francois Marchand and Louise Drumm, bapt. Sept. 24/1848 at 4 weeks
Marchand Etienne s/o Francois Marchand and Theotiste Vicaire, bapt. Apr. 22/1844 at 6 weeks
Marchand Jean Laurent s/o Jean Laurent Marchand and Marie Anne Condo bapt. Mar. 29/1854 at 3 weeks
Marchand Marie Anne d/o Louis Marchand and Marie Anne Condo, born Apr.20/1850
Marchand Marie Anne d/o of the late Francois and the late Marie Anne Capland, married Andre Lagorjandiere widower of Marguerite Jeannotte on June 24/1844
Marchand Marie Anne widow of Francois Samson, died at age 66. Death occurred 6 months before the burial date of June 14/1853
Marchand Marie Julie d/o Louis Marchand and Marie Anne Condo, bapt. Apr. 22/1844 at 7 weeks
Marchand Marie Monique d/o Francois Marchand and Louise Drum, born Oct. 23/1850
Marchand Marie therese d/o Louis Marchand and Mary Ann Condo, born May 5/1846
Marchant Alexis s/o Francis Marchant and Theotiste Vicaire, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 at 2 months
Marchant Louis s/o Louis Marchant and Anne Condo, Ristigouche, baptized Mar. 6/1842 age 2 months
Marcoun(s)? Marguerite d/o Louis Marcoun(s) and Lucie Dedam, bapt. Nov.2/1851 at 2 months Marcous Marie Theresa d/o Louis Marcous and Lucille Dedam, died Aug. 17/1849 at 2 yrs
Martin Alexandre s/o Alexandre Martin and Charlotte Michaud born May 2/1859
Martin Athanase s/o Philippe Martin and Genevieve Jerome, bapt. May 19/1850 at 1 months
Martin Christine d/o John Morrison and Marie Agoon, died June 25/1852
Martin Jean Francois husband of Marie Monique Marchand died June 20/1852 at 30 yrs
Martin Jean Francois s/o Jean Francois Martin and Marie Marchand born Feb. 7/1846
Martin Louis s/o Jean Baptiste and Marie Ann, Cascapedia, married Angelique Larocque or Restigouche d/o Noel Paul Larocque and the late Marie Wyouche, on July 29/1850
Martin Marie Anne d/o Jean Francois Martin and Monique Marchand, bapt. Nov. 23/1851 at 2 weeks
Martin Marie d/o Francois Martin and Monique Marchand, died accidentally at age 3 yrs , buried July 14/1853
Martin Marie d/o Jean Francois Martin and Marie Marchand, born May 19/1848
Martin Polycarpe s/o Joseph Martin and Susanne Basquite, bapt. May 3/1846 at 3 ½ months
Metallic Gregoire s/o Pierre Metallic and Angelique Obomsawin ? bapt. Jan. 29/1854 at 15 days
Metallic Joseph s/o Xavier Metallic and Angelique Lavoie, born June 21/1858
Metallic Pierre s/o Xavier Metallic and Angelique Savoie born Feb. 8/1851
Michel Etienne so Louis Michel and Elizabeth Martin married Emilie Dophee d/o Joseph and Susanne Vicaire on July 28/1853
Michel Joseph s/o Pierre Michel (Mitchell) and Catherine Gallant of Matapedia born Nov. 20/1863
Michel Louis Joseph s/o Francois and Anastasie Samson, baptized Nov. 2/1842 age 3 weeks
Michel Louis Joseph s/o Francois Michel and Anastasie Samson, died Sept. 16/1845 at age 3 years
Michel Louis s/o Louis Michel and Elizabeth Martin married Marie Larocque d/o Noel Paul Larocque and Marie Wyouche both of Ristigouche, on Aug. 2/1852
Michel Magdelline widow of Jean Marcou died at age 73 buried Apr. 18/1862
Michel Marie Angelique d/o Francois Michel and Anastasie Samson, bapt. May 16/1846 at 5 days
Michel Marie d/o Pierre Michel and Catherine Gallant born May 22/1866
Michel Susanne d/o Francois Michel and Anastasie Samson, died Apr. 1853 at 12 yrs, buried May 13
Michel Thomas s/o Francois Michel and Anastasie Dedam, married Suzanne Rosalie Vicaire d/o Charles Vicaire and the late Magdeleine Philippe, of Bathurst on July 31/1849
Molly Guillaume s/o Pierre Molly and Angelique Marchand, born Feb. 2/1846
Molly Joseph Chief of Restigouche, husband of Magdeleine Martin died Nov. 3/1851 at 57 yrs
Molly Joseph s/o Pierre Molly and Angelique Marchand, bapt. May 7/1848 at 2 weeks
Molly Thomas s/o Thomas Molly and Mary Magdeleine married Monique Bernard d/o the late Francois Bernard and Marie Israel, on Aug. 10/1850
Moore Lizette d/o Samuel Moore and Veronique Condo, born July 27/1850
Moore Samuel s/o Samuel Moore and Veronique Condo, bapt. Jan. 2/1853 at 5 weeks
Moore Veronique d/o Samuel Moore and Veronique Condo, born May 20/1858
Morisson Baptiste Jean Louis s/o William Morisson and Marie Ursule Julien, bapt. June 26/1853 at 5 days
Morisson Christine d/o John Morisson and Marie Agoon, bapt. June 15/1852 at 18 days
Morisson John married Marie Capland d/o Pierre Capland and Rosalie Martin July 5/1858
Morrison Etienne s/o John Morrison and Marie Agoon, bapt. Aug. 20/1849 at 2 weeks
Morrison Jean Martin s/o John Morrison and Marie Agoon, born June 11/1847
Morrison Marie d/o William Morrison and Ursula Julian, bapt July 16/1848 at 12 days
Morrison Monique d/o William Morrison and Ursule Julien, bapt. Mar. 6/1850 at 5 weeks
Nathalie Alexis Antoine s/o Xavier Natalie and Angelique, bapt July 23/1848 at 6 weeks
Nathalie Anastasie d/o Xavier Nathalie and Angelique Labanne, Abenaquis, bapt. Ristigouche, May 6/1846 at 3 months
Nathalie Marie d/o Antoine Nathalie and Marie Condo, bapt. June 7/1844 at 2 weeks
Nathalie Marie d/o Antoine Nathalie and Marie Condo, died Aug. 23/1844 at 2 months
Nathalie Noel, s/o Xavier Nathalie and Angelique Salben ? , bapt. Dec. 3/1843 at 3 weeks
Noel Marc or Marie child of Pierre Noel and Christine Condo , bapt. May 10/1846 at 3 months
Noel Jean Louis s/o Joseph Noel and Genevieve Gagnon, born Feb. 8/1946
Noel Louis Noel s/o Joseph Noel an Brigitte Cournabille bapt. Apr. 2/1854 at 2 ½ months
Noel Marguerite d/o Pierre Noel and Christine Condo, Ristigouche, bapt. Oct. 20/1843 at 13 days
Noel Pierre s/o Pierre Noel and Christine Condo, bapt. May 14/1848 at 14 weeks
Ouimette Anastasie d/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labaube bapt. Apr. 5/1845 at 3 weeks
Ouimette Benjamin (twin to Bernard) s/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labauve born Sept. 24/1849
Ouimette Bernard (twin to Benjamin ) s/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labauve born Sept. 24/1849
Ouimette Catherine d/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labauve bapt. Feb. 24/1861 at 8 days . Died Mar. 27/1961
Ouimette Jean Baptiste s/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labauve, bapt. Nov. 10/1851 at 4 weeks
Ouimette Marie d/o Ambroise Ouimette and Theotiste Labauve bapt. Apr. 5/1854 at 4 months
Ouvriche Marie d/o Mathias Ouvriche ? and Charlotte Labauve died Oct. 29/1842
Ouvriche Marguerite d/o Olivier Ouvriche ? and Agnes Lamkonin? , died Apr. 1842 age 2 years
Paul Charles s/o Noel Paul and Nancy Molly, born Feb. 8/1846
Paul Jean Nicolas s/o Etienne Paul and Marie Anne Jerome, bapt. Jan. 1/1845 at 2 months
Paul Joseph s/o Michel Paul and Agathe Morisson, bapt. Sug. 18/1852 at 9 days
Philippe Noel widower of Angelique Capland married Marguerite Bujold Oct. 20/1844
Plu Jane d/o W. Plu and Nancy, bapt. Jan. 24/1843 at 2 months
Plu Noel s/o Burt Plu and Mary, bapt. Jan. 24/1843
Pomainville Marie wife of Francois Capland died May 17/1858 at 26 yrs
Pominville Jean Pierre s/o Alexander Pominville and Marguerite Capland, born Mar.7/1851
Poodo (probably Condo) Marie wife of Thomas Vicaire, died Sept. 20/1843 at age 60
Quatpatte Elizabeth d/o Lluis and Julie Martin born June 23/1858
Quatpatte Genevieve d/o Louis Quatpatte and Julie Martin, born May 25/1849
Quatpatte Louis Francois s/o Louis Quatpatte and Julie Martin, born Apr. 17/1846
Samson Marie Monique d/o Thomas Samson and Anastasie Dedam, bapt. Feb. 25/1845 at 7 weeks
Samson Marie Susanne d/o Thomas Samson and Anastasie Dedam, born Apr. 2/1947
Samson Nicolas s/o Thomas Samson and Anastasie Dedam, bapt. Sept. 26/1849 at 3 weeks
Samson Samuel Paul s/o thomas Samson and Anastasie Joachim, bapt. Jan. 1/1852 at 3 weeks
Sanso Madeleine d/o Thomas Sanso and Nancy Dedam, bapt. Jan. 21/1843
Sook (Souk) Jacques s/o Pierre and Anastasie Capland, born Feb. 2/1843
Sook Etienne s/o Remi Sook and Anastasie Gagnon, bapt. Dec. 31/1843 at 5 days
Sook Jacques s/o Frank Sook and Anastasie Dedam, died Mar. 28/1845 at age 2 yrs buried Mar. 30
Sook Joseph s/o Samuel Sook and Veronique Condo died Jan. 8/1858 at 13 yrs
Sook Marie d/o Samuel Sook and Veronique Condo, bapt. Apr. 18/1843 at 1 month
Sook Marie Elizabeth d/o Remi Sook and Anastasie Michel (Mitchell) born Dec.6/1845
Sook Pierre s/o Samuel Souk and Veronique Condo, bapt. Dec. 5/1847 age 2 days
Sorbey (Corbey) Joseph s/o Henri Corbey and Mary Magdeleine Methot, bapt. June 1/1845 at 2 months
Soul Pierre s/o Remi Soul and Anastasie Michel, died April 14/1849 at 3 weeks
Soul Remi s/o Remi Soul and Anastasie Michel, bapt. Oct. 3/1851 at 13 days
Soule Marie Anne d/o Remi Soule and Anastasie Michel bapt. Dec. 4/1853 at 3 weeks
Soule Pierre Noel s/o Remi Soul and Anastasie Michel bapt. Feb. 29/1858 at 7 weeks
Thomas Denys s/o Joseph Thomas and Francoise Condo, bapt. Apr. 2/1854 at 2 months
Thomas Hannah d/o Bill thomas and Sarah Firth, Ristigouche, bapt. Apr. 9/1845 at 3 months
Thomas Marie Angelique d/o Joseph Thomas and Francoise Dominique, bapt. Sept. 7/1844 at 10 days
Unknown Bernard (parents unknown) bapt. July 13/1853 godparents Pierre Moses and Anne Capland
Unknown Marie Susanne, Indian, died Restigouche May 16/1850 at age 60 yrs
Unknown William, bapt. July 27/1853 at 1 month, godparent Jean Louis Jerome
Vicaire Alexis of Ristigouche married Marie Anne Charlotte Michel d/o Louis Michel and Elizabeth Martin on July 15/1842
Vicaire Charlotte died accidentally the autumn before at age 25, buried May 14/1853
Vicaire Elizabeth d/o Augustin Vicaire and Rosalie Labanne, bapt. Feb. 16/1843 at 2 wks
Vicaire Francois s/o Aconstine Vicaire and Rosalie Labarre, died nov. 21/1845 at 3 months
Vicaire Joseph s/o Augustin Vicaire and Rosalie Labauve, married Aglaee Quinsey of Ristigouche, July 24/1848
Vicaire Joseph s/o Joshua Vicaire and Marie Quiescy (Caissy?) bapt. Jan. 2/1853 at 4 weeks
Vicaire Marguerite d/o Jacques Vicaire and Angelique Capland, bapt. Oct. 21/1843 at 10 days
Vicaire Marie Anne d/o Alexis Vicaire and Marie Anne Michel bapt. Nov. 6/1853 at 15 days
Vicaire Marie d/o Alexis Vicaire and Marie Anne Michel, died June 11/1853 at 2 yrs
Vicaire Marie died accidentally the autumn before, at age 21 buried May 14/1853
Vicaire Marie s/o Joseph Vicaire and Marie Quincy, born Nov. 5/1851
Vicaire Marie Theotiste d/o Hilarion Vicaire and Rosalie Agoon, born Apr. 1/1848
Vicaire Marie Theotiste wife of Francois Marchand died Aug. 23/1844 at 30 years
Vicaire Noel s/o Hilarion Vicaire and Rosalie Agoon, died May 12/1848 at age 15 yrs
Vicaire Noel s/o Alexis Vicaire and Marie Ann Jeannette, bapt. Nov. 29/1845 at 7 days
Vicaire Rosalie d/o Joseph Vicaire and Suzanne Vicaire, bapt. Feb. 16/1843 at 5 wks
Vicaire Thomas s/o Aconstine Vicaire and Rosealine Labarre, born Mar. 18/1846
Vicaire Thomas s/o Aconstine Vicaire and Theotiste Labauve, bapt. July 27/1847 at 1 month
Vicaire Thomas s/o Alexis Vicaire and Marie Charlotte bapt. Dec. 31/1843 at 3 weeks
Vicaire Thomas s/o Joseph Vicaire and Marie Caissie, died Apr. 6/1858 at 1 yr
Vicaire Thomas widower of Marie Louisotte, married Marie Monique Landry widow of Raymond Landry May 25/1846
Wyouche (Ouiouche) Marie d/o Mathew Wyouche (Ouiouche) and Charlotte Labarre, born Aug. 11/1843
Wyouche (Ouiouche) Marie d/o Olivier Wyouche (Ouiouche) and Agnes Lamkouin, Ristigouche, born June 2/1843
Wyouche (Ouiouche) Pierre died Nov. 1842 at age 41 years, husband of Marie Capland
Wyouche (Ouiouche) Rose wife of Etienne Ignace Capland died Nov. 1842 at age 20 years, buried July 3/1843
Wyouche (Ouiouche) Thomas s/o Alexis Wyouche (Ouiouche) and Genevieve Larocque, died Nov. 1842 at age 1 year old
Wyouche Francois husband of Helene Larocque died Oct. 31/1853 at age 84
Wyouche Jacques s/o Mathieu Wyouche and Ann Agoon, bapt. May 14/1848 at 1 month
Wyouche Jean Martin s/o the late Olivier Wyouche and Rose Lamquinn, born Jan. 23/1848
Wyouche Jean Nicolas s/o Mathieu Wyouche and Charlotte Labauve, bapt. May 21/1848 at 3 weeks
Wyouche Marie Angelique d/o Alexis Wyouche and Genevieve Larocque, bapt. Dec. 14/1845 at 3 days
Wyouche Marie Suzanne d/o Francois Wyouche and Catherine Joachim, born Mar. 22/1858
Wyouche Mathieu husband of Anastasie Labauve, died Sept. 26/1848 at 28 yrs
Wyouche Monique d/o Mathieu and Charlotte Labanne, died Jan. 6/1846 at 7 week
Wyouche Monique d/o Mathieu Wyouche and Charlotte Labanne, born and bapt. Nov.2/1845
Wyouche Pierre s/o Olivier Wyouche and Agnes Lamquinn, died May 21/1846 at age 3
Wyouche Pierre s/o Pierre Wyouche and Marie Capland married Marie Rose Christie d/o Samuel Christie and Mathilde Roy July 22/1861