John Allan Doyle and Ellen Donovan's Children
Katherine Doyle, born 1881, died 1951, buried in Doyle's
Brook, NB, married Maurice Hackett, they had the following children:
Frances Hackett (m.Frank Walsh),
Nellie Hackett (m. John Walsh)
Rita Hackett (m..... Harrigan)
Mary Hackett (m.Ralph Mullin)
Josie Hackett (m..... Pleadwell)
Sadie Hackett (m. Ivan Grey)
Vincent Hackett (Patricia Gill Hackett),
Thomas L. Doyle, born In Chelmsford, Miramichi, Mar 20/1873
died 1946, married Sept. 6/1911, Mary Ellen Hickey
daughter of James Hickey and Mary J. Shannon of Jacquet River.
Patrick Doyle, married Grace Underhill
Joseph Celestine Doyle, born May 19/1889, died July 27/1953
married Gertie Vickers. they had the following children:
John Emmanuel Doyle b.Dec.24/1919, m. Opal Harrigan
Richard Hubert Doyle b. Aug. 25/1931 died April 7/1992
Mary Margaret Doyle b. Mar. 6/1918, died Mar. 5/1973 m. Bill Aitken
Celine Rita Doyle, born Apr. 9/1925, died Apr. 10/1995, married John Murphy
Ellen Josephine Doyle, b. Mar. 1/1917, died Mar. 4/1917
Katherine Magdelen Doyle b. Mar.18/1923, died same day
Katherine Alice Gertrude Doyle (Little Kashie)had spinal meningitis
was a really smart kid, born Aug. 9/1926 died Mar. 21/1929
buried at St Edwards
Joseph Francis Doyle born July 31/1921 died Dec. 27/1987
Ellen Estelle(Nellie) Doyle born 1883, trained in Waterville Maine
at the Sister's Hospital, became a Registered Nurse. later worked
in New York where she passed away in 1947. She came home quite often
when Gertie's children were born and vacation. She was here for her
father's funeral but she is buried in New York, USA
Maurice Sr. Doyle, baptized July 7/1870, died Dec. 26/1939
it was said to be indigestion but probably heart trouble, buried in St Fidele
PQ. he married Edith Godin of Lorne NB
Margaret Mary Doyle born May 1907, died same month at home
John Edward (Jack) Doyle, died July 6/1906, drowned in
Ontario, A POEM/SONG was written about his drowning by
Wilf Carter
Michael Doyle, died at birth Nov. 1886
James Doyle, born May 20/1875, died 1930, was living in Maine USA in 1927
buried in Maine USA but town unknown. As far as we know he never married