Gionnais Aime married Venerande Giasson of Caraquet on Jan. 27/1829 Glaser Joseph married Julie Pitre of Beresford on Aug. 23/1833 Glendenning John married Margaret Harley of Bathurst on Aug. 23/1833 Glendenning Richard married Mary Boyd of Bathurst on Mar. ?/1837 Godan (Godin) Eloi married Farsille Terriau of Caraquet on May 6/1828 Godan (Godin) Jean married Felicite Letourneau of Caraquet on May 2/1838 Godan(Godin) Alexander married Helen Vautour of Caraquet on Oct. 14/1838 Godan (Godin) Honore married Mathilda Roy of Petit Roche on Apr.29/1839 Godin Mario married Ursule Terriau of Caraquet on June 11/1828 Godin Jean married Mary Hache of Saumarez on Nov. 17/1829 Godin Frederic married Charlotte Hachie of Little Roche on July 19/1830 Godin Eloi married Marie Cormier of Caraquet on Nov. 22/1831 Godin Damase married Sarah Boudreau of Little Rock on Oct. 17/1837 Godin Edward married Margaret Dignard of Caraquet on Sept. 16/1838 Good William married Rebecca EAdy of New Brandon on May 3/1832 Good Edward married Sarah Sutton of New Brandon on Feb. 12 /1833 Good Robert married Margaret Simon of Addington on Dec. 15/1836 Goodan Lulke married Reine Boudro of Petit Roche on Sept. 4/1838

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