***NOTE*** ***The family name Ashe is probably the Hache name as we know it today *** Adams Benjamin married M. Hoyt both of Bathurst on June 21/1831 Adams Peter married Margaret Gilchrist both of Addington on Jan. 28/1834 Ahern Simon married Homarah Foley of New Brandon on June 17/1834 Allison James married Margaret Harrington both of Addington on Apr. 20/1838 Arseneau Dominie married Olive Ashe both of Bathurst on Nov.23/1840 Arseneault Joseph married Seraphine Hache both of Petit Roche on Aug. 9/1840 Arsenault Joseph married Mary Duguay both of Bathurst on Oct. 27/1829 Arsenault Joseph married Flore Robichaud both of Pockemouche on Jan. 7/1832 Arsenault Maxime married Genevieve Lousier both of Tracadie on Jan. 12/1829 Arseneau Moses married Seraphine Cormier both of Petit Rocher on Sept.15/1839 Arsenault Peter married Helen Boudreau both of Beresford on Apr. 28/1836 Ashe Antoine married Julie Lejeune both of Beresford on Jan. 18/1836 Ashe Joseph married Clotilde Pitre both of Bathurst on Jan. 15/1832 Ashe Odilon married Charlotte Robichaud both of Caraquet on Nov. 10/1834 Ashe Raphael married Lucie Pitre both of Bathurst on Jan. 15/1838 Ashe Sebastien married Monique Doucett both of Bathurst on Aug. 16/1836 Ashe Simon married Mary Daigle both of Bathurst on Jan. 28/1836 Ashe Sylvain married Aurisique Melanson of Nepisiquit on Nov. 29/1836 Aubut Pierre married Lucy Bertain of Bathurst on May 11/1840
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